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Why I love BzzAgent!!

I honestly think that BzzAgent deserves their own page here. They have really been a huge part of helping me discover my interest in marketing and business. I joined BzzAgent in April of 2010, I don't remember how I heard about them but I do rememeber that I wanted to try things for free and tell others about it. My first campaign came in June of 2010, for Covergirl LashBlast Fusion Mascara! That was pretty awesome, if I remember correctly they sent me a mascara to try and then several coupons to hand out. My next campaign came in July of 2010 and it was for Orbit Gum! They sent me like 10 packs of gum to hand out and share. That was a blast! You know you love that person who always has gum and always loves to share it with you. Well that was me! Needless to say from that point on I was pretty convinced that I wanted to keep my profile info up to date and stay active with their site. I wanted more campaigns and stuff!

As I look back through my history on their site I find 49 campaigns that I have gotten into in my 3 years as an agent. That is pretty impressive if you ask me. Sometimes you don't get stuff to try, sometimes it's an app or a website or a challenge. Still though, 49 things in 3 years....that is over 16 campaigns a year on average! I have to say that the last year or so the volume has increased for me. I have gotten a bit older and had a baby, so I know that changed my demographics and got me elligible for more campaigns. I also think that this has to do with changes BzzAgent made, they changed their website, some features on it, and launched a new way to rate BzzAgents - they seem to have gotten tons more clients because of it!In addition to myself getting a lot more campaigns over the last year, their Facebook page seemingly posts a new campaign launch a week. Sometimes more!

 I am currently in 5 BzzCampaigns! Crazy isn't it? I am in:
1. Garnier Miracle Skin Perfector B.B. Cream
 (You can find my review of it right here!)
2. Mrs.Ts Pierogies
4. Pennington Smart Feed Sprayer System
 (You can read my post about it here!)
5. Pork - Be Inspired

They have 20 campaingns going on right now! Check out an overview! There is literally something for everybody. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but at some point, everyone gets a campaign and at the rate it seems to be going...lots of people will have many campaigns! So, you signed up and took your surveys, now what? Well you wait and watch Facebook for campaign launches. When one launches, you watch your email for an invite. When you get it process it quickly, the campaigns fill up fast. Don't accept products you don't have interest in trying and learning about, the whole goal of this kind of Word Of Mouth marketing is that it generates honest Bzz. If you accept a product you don't want to try or would never use, then Brand X isn't getting the Bzz that it out for and that you agreed to. It really throws a wrench in the system, so be sure that you are genuine when you participate in BzzAgent. Okay, tangent over. After you accept a campaign you will wait a few weeks for your goodies to arrive. Once they arrive...Try the product and Bzz about it! That simple. Then repeat! It is so easy! For me, it's gardening time, so anyone I talk about gardening with I Bzz about the Pennington Smart Feed Sprayer System too! Same for the rest of the campaigns, anyone I talk about beauty with I go into the GOT2BE POWDER'ful products and the Garnier Miracle Skin Perfector B.B. Cream. I also love to hear about what other people use, I am Bzzing about Garnier and someone else may tell me about how they use Cover Girl. Then we may start talking about Ellen and how much joy she brings to me and the world! Bzzing is easy, fun, and you never know where it will lead you.

So tell me your thoughts, have you ever heard of BzzAgent before, or are you a BzzAgent? Know any other awesome sites like this?! Tell me about it, I want to know!


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