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Showing posts from May, 2013

Clean Up Mud Mask

Action packed week so far here in my world! Quick review of a product I was sent for free to try courtesy of Swaggable . I joined this site the same time I joined Influenster . The mask arrived today and my account is on hold against getting more invites until I get my review posted. So I used this mask tonight and here is my review. Don't think I have ever seen 3 more flattering pictures of me, better yet all together!  As you can see above the mask came in a packet. The packet is pretty appealing and nicely sized. I could take it on vacation easily and get a nice exfoliation while I'm taking a break from real life. I also like that you can buy a package and not have a whole tube of a mask you may forget to use. I can attest to this, I have a drawer full of skincare and a section devoted to masks. So off the bat I an digging this mask. I look at the ingredients and I see familiar one skincare fare: Witch Hazel and then I see the word... Lava. Whoa. So I rinse my face a

Palmolive Soft Touch

   This is a really nice blog post for me to write. It is for a product that seriously has helped me out. Let me start at the beginning though... Ahhh scary cuticles! About a month ago I joined another review site  Influenster  and within two weeks I was offered my first  VoxBox . It was for  Palmolive Soft Touch   and I was actually pretty excited. I don't really get excited about dish liquid, I usually get it at  CVS  for $0.75 with a coupon when  Dawn  is on sale for $0.99. So yeah, I have my system, my brand, it is super cheap and I am all good. EXCEPT the biggest issue I have with the whole dishes thing is my hands! I have the worst habit in the world of biting my nails. The habit gets even worse than that though because I bite and rip my cuticles too. It is pretty gross and I hate it. It also limits my funcationality, we use our hands for everything you know. One of the things that is roughest for me when I have taken my nerves out on my poor fingers is dishe

Why I love BzzAgent!!

I honestly think that  BzzAgent  deserves their own page here. They have really been a huge part of helping me discover my interest in marketing and business. I joined BzzAgent in April of 2010, I don't remember how I heard about them but I do rememeber that I wanted to try things for free and tell others about it. My first campaign came in June of 2010, for  Covergirl   LashBlast Fusion Mascara ! That was pretty awesome, if I remember correctly they sent me a mascara to try and then several coupons to hand out. My next campaign came in July of 2010 and it was for  Orbit Gum ! They sent me like 10 packs of gum to hand out and share. That was a blast! You know you love that person who always has gum and always loves to share it with you. Well that was me! Needless to say from that point on I was pretty convinced that I wanted to keep my profile info up to date and stay active with their site. I wanted more campaigns and stuff! As I look back through my history on their site I

The Fast Metabolism Diet - What am I thinking?

Seriously?! I will tell you what I am thinking. I am tired of being tired and uncomfortable all the time. I am tired of being jealous of skinny girls with flat bellies and discipline. I am BEYOND tired of nothing looking flattering on me! So it is time for a change, and has been for a while. I think that I am finally ready to make that change though, to let go of old habits and to work for something greater, my health. I am beyond intimidated, let me tell you.  My Boooook I haven't finished reading Haylie Pomroy's book  The Fast Metabolism Diet  yet, however I love her approach. She is telling us what she is doing, why she feels the way she does, and then explains it in simple terms so we can apply the knowledge ourselves! I really think she is on to something with the hormone talk. I have a 14 month at home and I remember the effects I COULD feel from my hormones being out of balance. I can't believe all the unseen reprocussions of being unbalanced hormonally.

Hanes Playtex Secrets Bra

This is a BzzCampaign that I was really excited for. I recently finished breast feeding and am ready for new bras. I was really really really hoping that my breasts had shrunk throughout the 14 months since my daughter was born and perhaps I could wear normal bras that cost less thank $70 each again. So when I got the invite for this one I signed up selected the largest cup size DDD and a larger band size 38 to hopefully accommodate the need for bigger cups. I hoped and prayed that when it came it would fit me, though I didn't really do anything proactive to ensure that I was making that a possibility. When my kit did come, I opened it up and found a super durable looking bra. They sent me a black one which was fine. I prefer crazy loud colorful bras, but I knew I would be getting white, beige, or black most likely so getting black was definitely the best of the 3. So, the fear set in and I let the bra sit for a few days and just look at me. I finally put it on and i could get