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Schwarzkopf Professional OSiS+ Rough Rubber

Spring VoxBox
Being an Influenster is Awesome! I get the chance to try products out for free and all I have to do is share my honest opinions about them. That is really cool and I really enjoy the opportunity. I told you in my last post that I am a nail polish junkie, we another love of mine is hair products. I love it all - gels, texturizers, powders, dry shampoo, mousse, setting spray. Who knew that the world of hair styling was an actual WORLD or stuff?! I didn't until I tried to start taming and controlling and finally loving my hair.
Selfie fail - pre Rough Rubber
I still don't do much to it, it's pretty great on its own. Super long very fine and slightly wavy. For the most part very cooperative, though I notice more and more I can't get a curl to set in my hair anymore. Used to all day and into the next, not so much anymore though, flat by midday; that takes some of the fun out of styling. Though when I want to pay with it and style it and I don't mind results that don't last forever and ever, I am able to do whatever I want and that rules. In my Spring VoxBox I got a funky product from Schwarzkopf called Rough Rubber. Based on the packaging and the product description I just KNEW that it would be something more suited to short layered hair. I have very very long hair. Of the 3 items sent to Influensters, this was the one I though I could use the LEAST. However, those awesome people hooked me up with a coupon too! So I went to ULTA and looked for Gelastic. I didn't find it, though my local ULTA did seem to have the rest of the line which all looked innovative and I would have gotten it all to play with if I could afford it. Some packaging just makes you want to play in ans try out- inspiring. I plan to get the Dust-It at some point too but I really wanted Gelastic, so decided to wait to use my coupon from my VoxBox and hope someone would start stocking Gelastic. I am still looking for it, because that is more what I need for my limp hair. Something to apply wet that will set curls as it dries. I will continue to hunt for it - Or buy online. It'll turn up somewhere I'm sure. 

In the meantime I discovered tumblr! Of should I say, used tumblr for the first time - I have had an account for over a year and just never got on board with the platform I guess. Well, what I found on influenster's tumblr about the OSiS+ products was awesome! 3 looks to try with each of the 3 products!! Can we say Squeal?!  So here I am thinking I need a pixie cut to use my rough rubber when the images online are ALLL long haired women! What you see is the result of the look I tried: if I try out any more looks or get more OSiS+ stuff to play in, I will surely update the post, or write a new one. You get the idea, more content! I need all the tips I can get so I am happy to share my tiny bit of expierence when I have something that I think may help someone else out. So stay tuned!!!

Stolen from Influenster's Tumblr. I can't not share it!
1. Slightly Beachy, Mostly Sexy: Apply Rough Rubber to your hair and scrunch dry.
2. Bedhead Beauty: Heat Rough Rubber by rubbing it between your palms until the consistency is thinner, then gently apply it just at the ends of the hair for a piece-y, messy hair / don’t care style.
3. The Higher the Hair: Rub Rough Rubber between your palms to heat and thin the product. Massage Rough Rubber on your root area working from underneath your hair to build big, textured volume.
Head over to Schwarzkopf Professional USA’s Facebook page and tell them which OSiS+ Product you received. Bonus points if you post a pic rocking one of these Spring Fever Styles!

Back to Rough Rubber - I used it this morning and I am happy happy with it!

From package to my hand

When I woke up I had day old hair that was falling flat with no body. I had read about all the style options on the tumblr page and I chose to go for Look number 1 though like I said, my hair was unwashed and definitely not wet.
Fun texture!

I decided to wet it down a bit and dig in! I love the texture! My first impression is that it would be sticky and gross and not easy to use. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong - not sticky, easy to work through my hair and not have my hair stick to my fingers and create product/hair mess. Not gross, I thought it would feel like Gak, but it is firmer. It feels like a firm cheesecake kind of, if I dig in I can, but if I just lightly dip my finger into the blue stuff I can get a small workable amount. Once on my fingers I just scrunched into my wetish hair. Seriously, it is THAT easy to use, plus it smells good too! Winning!

Hair Rubberized!

I have to say that I was super happy with this product and as I stated above, I was all but convinced that I couldn't use this product and that I would be wasting my time if I tried. I am psyched that I was wrong and even more psyched at how much versatility this product has. I know I am going for style 3 next time! I am scared of big hair so that means its time for me to face it and own it right?!  Be watching out for  that post!

Anyone else out there try these new products? What did you try and what are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments!!

This Sums it up pretty nicely!

****I am an Influsenster and I was sent this product for free to try in exchange for my honest review****


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